Uber Ride Highlights Low Quality Service Trends. What Are The Solutions?

Mark Spearman
4 min readNov 2, 2022
Abandoned Sears Auto Center

The Uber Ride Causing My Wake-Up Call To Bad Service

The rideshare app sent me to the gas station at the interstate. These rides are usually tough. A girlfriend or wife may have been kicked out of a car or a car break down is common here. This time, it was a gentleman with a flat tire on his rental car. He is stomping mad as he needed to been in Central Pennsylvania in a few hours, but he’d been waiting for a wrecker from the rental company for 5 hours.

The effort to stay calm in a conversation about the matter was taking all that he had. As he calmed down, we talked and came to the conclusion that society is having a bit of a breakdown, starting with the quality of goods and services.

  • Restaurants are bad. If you are a rideshare driver and listen to them talk on the phone as they complain about their jobs to friends, you wouldn’t eat out much. I don’t.
  • Car repair services are bad. There are long waits and you’re lucky if they don’t do more damage to the car than what was wrong to begin with.
  • Medical services require long waits and rude staff.
  • All customer service is scripted. There is no thought process for solutions.



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at http://markspearman.com