Bumper Stickers. I Don’t Trust Them.

Mark Spearman
2 min readMar 17, 2023

I seen a bumper sticker that said, “I hope something good happens to you today". That disturbs me because that should be a default setting in everybody. Why is this guy putting that message next to a picture of Kermit the frog on the car? If you have to tell people that you hope something good happens to them, that’s probably a lie. To top it off, the dude looks like a serial killer. Hopefully this was just his wife’s car and she doesn’t have that serial killer look.

I don’t put bumper stickers on my car anymore because I found out that they just make people made. Rarely do you make a friend with them. Those in agreement don’t even think about the message. Now is the road really a place where you want to make crazy people mad? You know he crazy is out there, why poke a stick at it?

I wonder if this guy has ever told a random stranger that he hopes something good happens to them today? That wouldn’t go over so well. The stranger would be sure he was up to no good. Just hope for that something good to happen to someone to yourself and let the universe roll with it. There’s no need to put it out there. Again, it should be a default.

Is there anybody out there hoping that a bad thing happens to random people reading their bumper stickers? Probably, but they’re not going to say it. They’re also going to put a positive sticker on their car to cover up their ugly truth.

Bumper stickers work the other way too. Let’s say you’re such a nice person that you couldn’t fathom shooting…



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at http://markspearman.com