Can I Move On From Simple Content Creation To Freelance Writing?
Writing for content creation in general is easy. A writer can come up with an idea to write about, then tailor that piece of content to fit in different places like their own websites, profit-sharing websites, etc. I find writing from my own catalog of ideas to be so much easier than writing for another’s needs. Who hasn’t seen requests for things like, “Why Chevrolets Lasts Longer Than Toyotas!”. Well, they don’t and I don’t know how to spin an article to meet this criterion.
In the attempt to come up with a plan to try freelance writing, I’ve come across the following ideas. Some I’m perplexed about, others I really don’t like doing, and others are not that big of a deal.
Identify Your Niche
This seems simple. Most writers know what topics they are good at. The problem is, what if your niche is not profitable? How do you find another niche that suits you which is profitable?
The Niches
If your preferred niche isn’t doing well, start using SEO tools to find intersecting niches which may be. Maybe you like Honda motorcycles. Maybe there is a bigger interest in Harley-Davidson and your efforts would be more profitable there. It’s worth a test.