Censorship As A Creative Restraint

Mark Spearman
3 min readSep 12, 2022
Censorship probably predates the written word. Photo by Mark Spearman

Talk about how censorship is everywhere in many different forms. Writing for a paid platform is going to create censorship by default. They’re trying to cultivate a following and unpopular opinions and topics can repel followers. Subscribers view the platform as the gatekeeper. If they’re gatekeeper fails them, they’ll leave the platform. I didn’t consider as I started my path to being a paid writer.

I was shocked to see that I could write and be paid for it without the hassles of maintaining a blog. Instead of risking the costs and time associated with maintaining my own blog, others were willing to do it. I didn’t stop to think about the restrictions placed on paid writing.

The Goal

Goals are difficult. If goals are discussed, they often fail. Studies show that talking about the goal produces a feeling that goals are being met. This feeling of progress and completion has a negative effect on actually completing that goal. With that in mind, I’m not going to discuss my actual goal. I am so close to completing it, I fear of hamstringing my progress in that way.

In the journey to complete this goal, a severe roadblock was put in my path. Part of the goal is writing about anything I want. I didn’t have personal restrictions, but the paid platform did. I wrote about overcoming an illness. The method was…



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at http://markspearman.com