Dental Floss Shouldn’t Be A Problem. Surprise!

Mark Spearman
4 min readFeb 20, 2024
Shopping is not what it used to be. Image by Mark Spearman

I don’t shop often, so don’t take this as a warning that there is a dental floss shortage. I only know of one shortage at one store. I have learned to question everything. I question why a major department store which is more likely to carry a “line” of products was out of normal dental floss. They have the cheap generic for $2 and the expensive $8 stuff, but nothing in between.

What Does The Internet Say?

Step one of finding answers is to ask the Internet. You won’t get an answer, but you can get some ideas to lead you there. I came up with nothing by asking the high level question, “Is there a dental floss shortage?”. With no answers found, I start to assume that there isn’t one.

That’s not good enough for me. I’m a writer! We have to dig deeper than the surface! A good conspiracy theory is worth investigating. Are the big box stores hiding this shortage to save the embarrassment? To dig deeper, lets find out, “What is dental floss made of?”.

Common dental floss is made out of nylon. Nylon is made out of petroleum products. Yes, there is supply disruptions in the Red Sea and the Panama Canal that may be hindering the flow of dental floss industry materials. There’s nothing stating that, just a hunch of mine.



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at