I Paid Off A New Car With Gig Work.

Mark Spearman
12 min readJan 17, 2024
My 2018 Toyota Prius I Bought For Driving Rideshare

This is going to be an article about my journey from starting rideshare to buying a Toyota Prius. Then finally working until I pay off the Prius. I will discuss the pros and many cons of this decision. Can rideshare driving pay for a new car?

This is NOT an encouragement or endorsement for any gig driving job. My personal experience shows that it’s a horrible deal for the driver. It can be dangerous and there is a high chance of losing money instead of earning it. I would only encourage those with nothing to lose and no other options to drive for the gig economy .I will explain more in the article.

I offer no referral code. There is no mention of any specific company I suggest driving for. I don’t want it haunting me that I encouraged a person ill-suited for this type of work. The possibility of encouraging someone to do a job where they could lose significant wealth is not something I want to experience. The premise that untrained drivers can drive in demanding conditions coupled with riders who are often very difficult customers creates an environment with unacceptable levels of risk.

How I started

On the down and out

I reached the end of my computer programming job due to many circumstances. I could no longer work a standard 9 to 5 job. I needed flexible…



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at http://markspearman.com