Living In Vehicles. The New Economy.

Mark Spearman
7 min readFeb 28, 2023

Why Are People Living Out Of Vehicles Everywhere? Have you taken notice to the high number of campers, vans, and cars with blacked out windows in the parking lots around your city?

Living in cars, vans, and RV’s is nothing new. The high numbers of people doing it is increasing. It’s made me take notice.

It’s The Economy

It’s the economy putting people in this situation. It’s more than than just the economy, it’s automation taking jobs, the high cost of education, the inability to get far enough ahead to buy a home, drug addiction, and mental illness. In what is supposed to be a technologically advanced age, there are people on the other end of it that are ending up homeless.

If you don’t have a home, what are your choices? A vehicle is by far the best choice. Staying with others will be short-lived and maybe even cut support lines altogether. The “shelters” keep you alive, but there are many aspects that are dangerous and you will not be able to keep more than you can constantly guard. There are few choices and none of them are good, but you can get ahead if you can maintain transportation and safety with your own vehicle.

The Economic Advantages Of Living In A Vehicle

An apartment costs $1,000 — $2000 depending on where you live in 2024. Choose a proper vehicle and it’s not unreasonable to say that you can live in one for $200 — $1000 a month for payment, gas, and insurance…



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at