Maximize Your Time: How I Cut Out Sports And Celebrity News For Higher Productivity

Mark Spearman
6 min readMay 21, 2024
A small town movie theater.
Media is more than just theater today, it’s everywhere you look.

How Much Time Is Being Stolen?

How much time is being taken by sports and celebrity news and gossip? The answer is probably much higher than any estimate. I tire quickly of either subject, but sports and celebrities creep into every facet of our modern life.

  • News Feeds
  • Advertisements
  • Social Media Posts
  • Casual Conversations
  • Televisions (private and social spaces)
  • Product Placements In Movies
  • Magazines
  • Radio

Everywhere you turn, the intrusion is there, whether you’re a fan or not. Should you miss something, your peers will be asking, “Do you live under a rock?” By the time you’re done examining the time problem, living under a rock may seem like a viable solution!

How Much Time Can You Gain?

There is such a thing as too much information. What use would it be measuring time spent on sports and celebrities to the minute or hour? Not much. However, mini-notebooks are handy. Notebooks are so handy, I used them to help quit smoking! They can help with this too.



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at