Recruiting White Males Is Getting Hard. Experts Are Baffled.

Mark Spearman
5 min readMar 12, 2024

I read an article about military recruiters reporting a steep decline in white males joining the military. I’m baffled that the military is baffled. While the marketing efforts think that white males should be attracted to woke ideals which are counter to everything in the conservative white male’s culture, they will never force white males into cultures which disparage them.

Baffling Biden sticker which showed up everywhere. Photo by Mark Spearman

The Advertising Isn’t Working Anymore

While the left is claiming to be baffled, I think they know full well why young white males are running from the organizations that they’ve acquired control of. It’s a common practice of the left to state their positions over and over again. The constant repetition of lies was a way to make the lie appear as truth. That worked in the days of TV programming. In the Internet world, it’s failing.

Young people of all colors are smarter. There is access to history and information of all sorts. Search engines float their preferences to the top, but that doesn’t work. AI is trying to take control, but when logic is applied to it’s biased information, that fails too. For example, you can tell a young white male that he has inherited privileged existence only do to the oppression and slavery of others. That falls apart when he gets on and he finds documented proof that he’s from a long line of oppressed low wage earners and no slaves were involved with his lineage.

As they find out one lie, that uncovers more lies. Then, the recruiters are sent to lure them in using tactics that would only work if you believed a woke agenda. Not only is this not working for the military, the article states it’s not working for corporate America or academia either.

Family. It Matters. It Protects.

So how do the military, college, and woke corporate recruiters get the white males to sign at all? They succeed with the sizable portion of males with weak or non-existent fathers. A strong, protective father figure is quick to assist their son in making good choices.

Fathers who served in the military are another barrier for woke recruiters. The military is a difficult. It’s not easy to take large groups of 18–20 something year-olds and make them an effective fighting force with complex equipment. Should the United States go to war with a major foe, they’ll need to have kill ratios that are very high. When I was in, that ratio to beat the Chinese was well over 10:1. Flawed leadership will not succeed.

Fathers who served know that a military stripped of it’s ability to properly train young men is going to fail miserably. A force stripped of it’s discipline and “brothers in arms” mentality will not protect against forces of these numbers. Fathers who didn’t serve have friends who did, so they know too. In my age group, only about 10% of the population as a whole is a Veteran, but it’s enough.

There is a very active effort to disparage anything that white conservative males say or do. The “OK Boomer” crowd applies their critics in popular culture anywhere they can. It’s not going to be strong enough to overpower a father looking out for their son. Son’s who’ve watched a good father nurture and raise them with solid, proven ideas will not be swayed by men in dresses.

The South. They Matter.

Our media is heavily vested in disparaging whites in the south. Lefists need an enemy and they’ve relied on the Civil War to keep a perceived enemy at the ready.

The truth is that southern whites struggle too. The south has so many economic problems worse than the rest of the nation, that it previously made recruiting easy. I’ve noticed in my years that labor pays much lower in the south. When I trucked, there were far more white day laborers on the docks than blacks.

The southern public education is horrible, so recruiters have trouble getting whites or any other race to pass entrance tests. The poverty is high, so the nutrition is poor. That leads to recruits who cannot meet physical requirements.

For many whites, life is just more difficult in the south. The one thing that many do have is family. The military was one way out of poverty in the south and now, the family’s are trying to keep their children from the ills of the military’s woke leadership.

With strong families and diminished applicants who can pass entrance requirements, military leadership is still baffled by their low recruiting numbers in the south. Just baffled.

It’s Not Just Whites Who Will Not Serve

The article misses the mark by concentrating on one demographic and only concentrating on melanin levels. Young men of all colors don’t let skin color control their decisions. Culture dictates decisions. When I served, how people were raised and what their goals were divided us into groups more than just skin color.

Those trying to serve their country with a love for their family and friends at home grouped together. Those climbing out of poverty and clinging to the laws of the jungle of their gang infested neighborhoods stuck to their groups. It was up to leadership to break these sub-groups down enough to make all of us work together.

What makes recruiters think that other racial groups are going to want to join an organization with leadership that fails to adopt traditional values? For now, maybe positions favorable to minority groups are helping their numbers with these groups, but how long will that work?


What does the future hold for a country in the grips of the woke? Our country has so much invested in their ideals now. Those woke ideals are bearing fruit. Now that they’ve taken control, they can’t blame everyone else. The white man is abandoning them.

There’s nothing baffling about it. The left is in charge and their best defense when there is nobody to blame, is to claim that it’s just all to baffling. They’ll lash out and try to bury articles like this that could unbaffle them, but young white males still are not coming.



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at