The Departure

Mark Spearman
Jan 13, 2023


Train rumbles and roars, railroad ties banging echoes through the night
I stand alone on the platform,
Bag in hand, heart heavy with regret.

The lights of the train grow closer
Memories of this place flood back,
Laughter and tears, love and pain.

It’s time to move on, to start anew,
Leave behind the past, embrace the future.

The engine roars to a stop
I step aboard, ready for my journey.

The train pulls away, I catch a last glimpse
Of a town that once held me captive.
Now it’s just a memory, fading into the distance.

I’ll miss the familiar streets and faces.
It’s time to chase my dreams, find my place,
Find my way in this world, and seek my destiny.



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at