The One-Boobed Waffle House Hooker In Oklahoma City.

Mark Spearman
5 min readMar 22, 2023
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There are things that happen on the road at random that don’t make sense. When they happen, it’s just a shock. So many miles, days, weeks, and months can go by and then out of the blue, you’re stunned with what’s happening.

I never liked Oklahoma City. If you’re from there, your perspective on it may be much different than a passing truck driver. There just seemed to be so much criminal activity. It was like drug deals, prostitution, and people selling stolen good were just part of the culture. Maybe it just happened where the trucks were at? Maybe I just noticed it more in Oklahoma City? This was in the early 90’s, so maybe it’s cleaned up now? I doubt it.

I was starving and it was about 3 AM. Tired and hungry is a great way to show up at Waffle House. At that hour, the bar closers are entertaining too. Hope for a reinvigoration to finish out my trip was high. Just as my food arrived, the one-boobed Waffle House hooker sat down at my table. I’m not sure what it is about me that made her so sure I’d be an interested customer, but she latched on and started her sales pitch.



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at