To Consume Media Or Not To Consume Media

Mark Spearman
3 min readMay 15, 2024
Northern Lights
Original ideas coming in from beyond.

There is great value in knowing what accomplished, even semi-accomplished writers have to say about their methods. The methods are so wide and varied that we get different ideas of how to write professionally, but there is no settled method of production. It’s not like manufacturing or car repair.

There are some common beliefs many authors share. One is that the writer must read. The idea is that this constant intake of literature will improve the writer’s style and methods by picking up on what others have done. I’m sure there’s some truth to this. Some additional benefits of reading are —

  • Improved critical thinking.
  • Improved understanding of common narrative structures
  • Education
  • Inspiration
  • Expanded vocabulary

My disagreement is that too much input spoils the author’s personal view on the subject. There are some authors who simple regurgitate their input and few original ideas are in their work. This view is not shared by the majority, but I see it happen often on writing platforms.

Maybe the idea of simply rewriting others’ works and presenting them on platforms or blogs to earn some loose change is appealing? Maybe I am seeing to much of this from the sources I choose? Think about some…



Mark Spearman

I hail from Central Ohio. I have a diverse background and enjoy writing to the fullest. See more at